Landscape Architecture and Garden Design

Landscape Architecture and Garden Desing



The Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art on the Budapest Campus of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Schiences offers a full-time, 4-semester Master of Arts in Landscape Architecture and Garden Design Programme. You can also choose thematic semesters if you prefer studying part-time.

Our Programme leads to a full Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Schiences qualification which is accredited by the nationally recognised Hungarian Accreditation Committee and linked to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). On an international level, the International Federation of Landscape Architects Europe (IFLA Europe) grants the accreditation.

The Programme provides a unique opportunity for students with Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees to become professional landscape architects or landscape designers.

You will be able to analyse and develop a variety of open space and landscape plans based on the thorough understanding of theory and practice.

  • 4-semester degree programme or single semester for part-time studies
  • Linking theory to practice
  • Linking landscape design to planning
  • All courses in English
  • Academic accreditation: Master in Landscape Architecture and Landscape  Design accredited by IFLA Europe and HAC, the Hungarian Accreditation Committee

A step in your career

The programme is an important step in your professional career and also the path to international relations. It provides a series of landscape design themes from historic gardens and landscapes to urban open spaces projects and the renewal and reclamation of protected or non-protected areas.

The Programme is offered by the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Szent István University, the only Hungarian institute with more than a 100-year-history in educating landscape architecture.

Keeping in mind the internationalization of the Programme we invite foreign professors and lecturers on a regular basis. This will also enable our students to become members of professional landscape architects’ networks.

Students will benefit from the project based methodology focusing on the Central European landscape offering a challenge in protection and development of green networks and landscape heritage. Students work individually or in groups of 2-3 on these projects with a regular tutoring provided by the teachers of the Faculty.

The practice you gain in the European/Central European region will make you capable of initiating programmes and projects in your country, as well.


The IFLA Europe has recognised the course as an academic master programme. The stringent quality criteria applied by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee are based on European standards for higher education.