Qualifications for the Master’s Degree

Qualifications for the Master's Degree

Level of education: masterMA (Master of Arts)

Qualification: Landscape Architecture and Garden Design

Degree: Landscape Architect and Garden Designer

Program Coordinator: Dr. István Péter Balogh, full-time professor


The aim of education is to train professionals in landscape planning, design and garden art who possess creative and design skills; the degree possessors are practiced in architectural space forming and aesthetic aspects, trained in current ecological, economical, technical aspects, and are capable for fulfilling the tasks required of the landscape architecture profession, first of all the design of gardens and open spaces.

Final exam:

The final exam consisting of two parts:

a) professional complex exam and

b) defence of the degree thesis

The qualification opens the door for participation in PhD, DLA studies or other professional post-graduate studies.

Professional qualification:

The qualification entitles its owner for professional tasks which belong to the field of landscape architecture, especially to garden and open space design prescribed by the Hungarian government decree No 266/2013. (VII. 11.):

Planning and design of terrain and green areas and open spaces (including pathways and pavements), plantation plans, landscape design (public parks, public gardens, squares, historic gardens etc.). According to the regulation of the government decree the plans of construction works of any garden and open space design projects can be made with the support of an structural engineer:  garden structures (higher than 4,5 m), supporting walls (higher than 1 m), swimming pools structures, solid fences (higher than 2 m), slopes with a steepness more than 45 degree. With the certificate it is possible to apply for admission into the planners, architects and landscape architects registers and after two years of certified professional training to gain chartered status.