Practical training - Tájépítészeti, Településtervezési és Díszkertészeti Intézet
Practical training
Practical training
Practical Training
Utolsó frissítés: 2021 november 27.
Students planing have a degree from the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Schiences is supposed to have a 4 weeks long practical training either in /her home country or any other countries included Hungary. The training should take place in an office whose profile is landscape architecture or/and urban design. If a student chooses a firm with a different profile (e.g. landscape construction ), he/she is supposed to discuss it with the head- teacher of the subject 'Practical Training' in advance.
Although the subject 'Practical Training' appears in the NEPTUN in the third semester, we advise to do it during the summer holiday between Semester 2 and Semester 3.
All relevant documents are available below.
Please try to contact offices in advance! If you plan to do the training in Hungary please note, that there is no dormitory placement and no financial support on behalf of Stipendium Scholarship for July and August!
Summer training
Application Procedure
Utolsó frissítés: 2021 november 16.
Thank you for your interest in Master programme in Landscape
Architecture and Garden Design*.
*Before you begin to fill in your application form, please take a moment
to thoroughly review this document. *
You can find out about the amount of the cost fee, the payment and the
application process at the link below.